Wednesday, April 28, 2004

MayDay is celebrated on May 1st all around the world. In many countries,
International Workers' Day is observed on that day. Beltane is a pagan holiday that
celebrates the href="">coming of
. The bloody
fight for the 8-hour workday
, including the martyrdom of several anarchist
organizers in 1886, led to the href="">rescheduling of the official
workers' day
in the United States to href="">Labor Day (the first Monday
in September). May 1st is still observed as International Workers' Day in many
countries and political spheres around the world.

In the Bay Area, there will be an anarchistic href="/calendar/event_display_detail.php?event_id=3743&day=1&month=5&year=2004">street
in href="">San Francisco
on Saturday. Pagans will celebrate Beltane by dancing the href="">MayPole. The
Marijuana March
comes to San Francisco on MayDay, as well. The US wars
and occupations are a major focus of this year's observations, with the href="">Days of Mourning and
, which will include a "No one is illegal" solidarity vigil
with immigrants and a main street Burlingame anti-war march on Friday, April 30th.
On Saturday, May 1st, United for Peace and
Code Pink, and others will
sponsor a MayDay Procession for Peace in
, which will begin at UN Plaza at 2PM. Read more about other
MayDay events, focused on a variety of topics from an href="">Education, Not Incarceration forum to
events organized by communist organizations, on our href="/calendar">calendar. Read some past
coverage on Indybay.

See a photo at