Thursday, August 04, 2005

New anarchist news site?!

Hm, I was surfing the SF Bay Anarchists website just now after looking up Anarchy Magazine's Action Camp, and I came across this new Anarchist News website (beta). I was on the phone with Dean at the time (still am), and he was like, "in place of A-Infos?!" Good point! A-Infos is still there.

There are also other sites like the delicious, which I don't look at nearly often enough. Another site that I rarely look at, but should, is Resist! Corporate Media page and the InterActivist Info Exchange. And yet I look at US Indymedia to get US News, as in news from Indymedias all over the United States, several times per day.

I did read Jennifer Whitney's article What's the Matter with Indymedia?, which was in Lip Magazine, though I still don't see it on their website. Instead, it is on the AlterNet website, which I also never look at.