Saturday, May 20, 2006

Where's the chickens?

Yeah, so I went over to the garden tonight. There are invasive weeds all over the place. I checked on the birds and there don't seem to be any chickens. I tried to fix the plastic that is over the ducks' cage, and to work on cleaning out their ridiculous water containers. What a mess. The ducks seemed really... needy, like they wanted me to feed them or something. There was some bread left on the bottom of the cage. I don't know why-- we're not supposed to leave bread there cuz they'll eat it instead of their feed, and they'll get all malnourished and die. Fucking idiots.

So there is an egg in the chicken coop. No idea if it's from a chicken or a duck, or how long it's been there. Fucking asses.

And there are no chickens!! I called Terri Compost, and she was like, well, i guess they (the kids) took them somewhere. Uh, process?

Not sure if the person who has been doing most of the nanimal feeding and plant watering has left town yet or not. He might have.

At least I got to see something awesome: part of this movie 10.5 Apocalypse or something, where the golden gate bridge breaks apart and falls into the water. It was really well-done, seeming all realistic. I just love the view down there at the base of the bridge on a sunny day, with the sky all blue and the bridge all red, and the water all blue, and the breeze...

That garden is so awful.