Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Nationalism is so interesting

As you may know, if Brandeis had had a major in Cuban Studies, I would have at least qualified for a minor, based on the number of classes related to Cuba that I took.

This thing about Fidel being sick and giving power over to his brother makes me sick. The guy is 80 years old, let him go! And it doesn't make sense to replace him with a 75 year-old. I hate this thing where people sacrifice their bodies for a long-term cause- it just doesn't make sense. Especially when there are tons of other people who could take over as president of cuba. I remember that when I was in Cuba 9 years ago and I asked who would take over when Fidel dies, people said it would be Carlos Lager. I don't know what the hell ever happened to those plans, cuz now people talk about Raul.

Last night I was watching the news on Univision or whatever channel 14 is. It was so disgusting, they would start to say "El Comandante," and then correct themselves to "El Dictador." The reporters were clearly told in advance what language to use when referring to Fidel. There were thousands of people in the streets of Miami last night, celebrating Fidel's incapacitation. A lot of them were my age or younger. They had never been to Cuba, and all they knew about it was what their parents and the right-wing media had told them. They were not very knowledgable about the country or the political situation. Fucking right-wingers.

Today on Talk of the Nation, they mentioned the idea of people reclaiming their property in Cuba. Gross. But it reminds me of the Palestinian question. Can those people go back and take their houses back? In their case, the houses are often razed to the ground, so there is nothing to go back to. But in Cuba, houses were reclaimed for other uses.

I like to look at things this way: a significant portion of the population must have wanted Fidel to stay in office if he managed to do so for so long. And when he dies, they are not going to be able to go back. I still always go by this expression: "You can never go back."

I want to go when he dies. Take pictures, audio, whatever. Ayudar a defender a la patria, even though I don't believe in patrias exactly.