Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Doing lots but missing out

Indybay rolled out its new code on our brand-new server this weekend. Like any new code, it has a lot of bugs, and it wasn't tested enough before it went live. I feel bad that I'm not around much to help with finding bugs and keeping the regular work going. Also, I have missed out on some rad discussions on Indybay. Apparently someone pointed out that the Pearcys rent out a place in California that they own to Cindy Sheehan for free, and people wanted that comment to be hidden. Rough life, owning a place that you don't live in, and not even needing the income that it would provide if it were rented out. Since Cindy is really the property of the movement (as an icon and as an activist), and since the Pearcys are, too, I think it is really important for that info to be out there.

That's something I really hate about the movement and about society-- that some people have more money than the rest of us. I mean, it's not fair, and it's not right. But you can't correct it, and in fact, it's a faux pas to even mention it.

Today we discovered leaks in the water tanks in Herman's trailer. I guess that things could have been moldier than they are, but it's a real shame that we didn't know about the leaks a long time ago. I've been weeding summer crop beds that have a lot of purslane growing in them. In some spots, it looks like it's the main crop. It's heartbreaking to have to just pull it out of the ground, but we can only eat so much of it!!

I need to go home and deal with some stuff. But I want to stay here and learn more about using the tractor, too...

It felt like a war zone out there today, with airplanes and helicopters going overhead. The airplane was spraying something (pesticide, or herbicide?) on just about every other lot in the neighborhood. Apparently they are not supposed to do that on windy days, but they were doing it anyhow.