Monday, February 27, 2006


Today I figured out why people here bike all year round-- because it doesn't usually rain as bad as it did today. I got so wet in the first mile after work that I decided to go get lunch and do food shopping at Berkeley Bowl on the way home. When I got into the store I realized that my usually sufficient cheapo boots had puddles in them. You wouldn't believe how flooded the garden was yesterday, and that was before all the rain today!!

Speaking of work, today I cleaned my weekly client's house for the 2nd to last time. Sad Mahtin. Weekly clients rock, and they were my only one.

My cat is missing yet again. Even in the wind and a bit of rain. It's actually been pretty warm out tonight, I guess. She is supposed to have 4 medications tonight, and she missed them all.

Today my copy of the book Shelter came in the mail. Too bad I'm reading 3 other books right now.

I hope I can make it to Mardi Gras tomorrow, and maybe visit Crystal, Oliver, and of course Wick. And get to the gym. And get lots of work done on the site. :/