Monday, May 29, 2006

report from the farm


So my phone seems to be really fucked up. The battery dies at weird times, which tend to be when i am trying to use it.

We had a great day out at the farm. They are getting the area where the house is going to be ready- the soil there has to be like 90% compacted before the foundation can be poured, so we were using tractors and a "sheep foot" tractor thingie to level and compact that area. I also did some three hours of weeding. I got a sunburn on the small of my back from being bent over.

i feel like i am really learning how to do things around the farm, and being able to help out more. i had chris show me the compost pile, so while he and shelley were out working on the house (knocking down walls on the rooms that can't come with them), i was able to do things like take out the compost and pack up the dirty dishes. as the sun was going down, i went to the slough all by myself to turn off the generator that was running the pump. The water from the slough is being used to wet the ground where the house will be, cuz otherwise the soil is either too hard, or too fine, and it'd just "dust out"). This water is also being used to water the plants, since they don't have a pump or a storage tank for the well. The slough water seems to be leaving a white residue on the soil-- perhaps due to fertilizer or pesticides used on farms that are upriver.

It was really weird going alone to the slough. It was around sunset, so the nighttime bugs and animals were starting to come out. Every little noise would startle me when I least expected it to. And knowing that there was noone around for 1/2 a mile was pretty weird. Chris warned me of this a while ago, but this was the first time I experienced it. Weeding by myself was also weird- no radio, noone talking to me, just me, my thoughts, and the birds in the distance. well, there were workers on one of the farms next door, so you could hear the trucks from time to time....

When we got back to the apartment, I took stock of my sunburn while chris washed the dishes we'd used at the trailer over the last two days, and then we hit the hottubbie and the shower. they ate buffalo burgers and we all had fava beans and salad. and there was a veggie sausage/egg dish, too. we looked at, which has pictures of people with 10x10 rooms. my little shack that i want to build would be 10x12. i might have to get a shipping container to keep my crap in, too. $$$$

i just spent 45 minutes washing dishes, and now i'm going to get ready for bed.