So here I am, in Berkeley. Not a whole lot going on. Just trying to get it together a bit, think about things, and go to the gym a lot.
On Saturday I rode around and picked up shelving units from people. Now I have more bookcases and places to put stuff. It helped to get some of the clothes off the floor in my bedroom. And I needed a place I can reach to put food stuff, cuz Z tends to put stuff way up high where I can't reach it.
A lot of days the only outstanding feature is, "I went to the gym." Kind of sad. Though I do need to go to the gym a lot.
Today I did a new client, a really dirty house, so there was no energy to go to the gym. I wouldn't be typing right now if I hadn't taken some ibuprofen. Plus I missed lunch, got home just before dinner time. The client's house is so big. The bedrooms are all bigger than 15x15. And they are in a quieter part of the neighborhood, near where my house 2 houses ago was. It makes me so angry that some people can have so much unused space, and I have so little space that is funny shaped so it can't even be used. And then there are the people who carry all their worldly possessions around with them...
And this client has a big, sunny area in their yard where the ground is all trashed from the grass being cut and taken away and no fertilizer being put in. Sunny. I could grow some serious food there, were it my house. And it has a taller fence than my shared "yard" does, so people wouldn't be all running through and stealing the veggies or using the garden as a fucking bathroom.